Einar Gudmann

Einar Gudmann is a photographer, editor, and author living in Akureyri, north-Iceland. He strives to capture the beauty of nature and wildlife hoping to contribute to the effort of understanding and saving it.
237 Posts

Photographing in north Iceland in January

It has been cold for the past few weeks. More or less minus 5 to 20 celsius. The day is short which means going...

Winter in Akureyri

For the past few days it has been snowing in most of Iceland. Akureyri in North-Iceland where we live is no exception. This morning we...

Photographing corralling of icelandic horses in the north

There are no wild horses in Iceland. All of them have a owner. Still, many of them are running free in the mountains or...

Gyrfalcon hunting a greylag goose

Driving home after a funeral of a relative. Location is near Hrafnagil in Eyjafjörður. The middle of the bridge over Eyjafjarðará-river to be exact....

Northern lights photography near Myvatn

Everything is black after dark if there is no moonlight. No moonlight, no details in the mountains or the landscape. I prefer having some...

Fuglabjarganes in Vopnafjörður

Finding new locations to photograph in Iceland is kind of an ambition for me. Some parts of the country have been photographed from every...

Puffins seen in a different light in Grimsey

As all photographers know the importance of light can not be overstated. This became obvious when me and Gyda were photographing puffins in the...

The less busy locations in Iceland

The area around Melrakkaslétta has always had a interesting appeal to us when we try to travel far from the busyest tourist areas in...

The grim fate of a arctic tern chick

It can be tough to watch the life of birds when the cold and cruel reality is showing it´s face. We are now in...

Iceland – Wild at heart

https://vimeo.com/222263693 The past few weeks have been very busy and fun in our small home. Besides getting married after 12 years together with everything that´s...

Winter conditions for photography in Iceland

A good friend of mine told me that pro-photographers only travel to Iceland during the winter. According to the number of photographers we met...

Fighting for food in the backyard

https://vimeo.com/207947690 Despite a winter which reminds more of a bad spring-weather than a real winter the birds in my backyard have been busy searching for...

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