Einar Gudmann

Einar Gudmann is a photographer, editor, and author living in Akureyri, north-Iceland. He strives to capture the beauty of nature and wildlife hoping to contribute to the effort of understanding and saving it.
222 Posts

27 year old Mew Gull

  Few days ago I saw this Mew Gull (Larus Canus) sitting on a rock along with another one. Since these birds are quite rare...

Fading winter

Getting out of bird-mode Yesterday we took a short trip to Mývatnssveit where we intended to switch to landscape mode. Most of the time I...

Quality time in a snowstorm

Horses in snowstorm - Images by Einar Gudmann Yesterday it was snowing and quite windy. Some might call it a snowstorm. During the wintertime many...

Northern lights in northern Iceland

<!-- Midnight in Myvatn - Images by Einar Gudmann   This weekend me and Gyda decided to go to Myvatn hunting for Nortern lights. the forecast was...

Eastern-white fronted geese in the frozen world of Myvatn

During the winter months us bird photographers simply wait for the spring here in Iceland. Most birds are busy in other countries with warmer...

If ice is all you see, ice is all you get.

It´s winter time and it´s Iceland. Actually quite peaceful winter, since we have had quite few snowstorms so far. For us birders and wildlife-wannabe-photographers...

Photographing gyrfalcons from a hide

One of the most difficult birds to photograph in Iceland is the Gyrfalcon. Only 1000 of them exist in Iceland and one needs a...

Wild arctic fox photography in Iceland

The arctic fox has always been a mystery to me. The population of wild arctic foxes is unknown in Iceland, but we know that...

Arctic tern having a good time

I don´t have a GPS attatched to my Nikon D3 camera. Sometimes I find it not vise to publish the location of some of...

Bearded seal at my petrol station

Birders and wildlife photographers travel around the world for the mere chance to get the shot of some rare bird or animal which is...

Photoshelter great for delivering photos

I use Photoshelter for the exhibition of my photos. Simple, efficient and above all the easiest tool I have found to deliver photos. At...

The days of DOS are gone and blogging begins

It´s years since I installed a blog and I have obviously missed out some developments since then. Once a DOS and Windows fanatic and...

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