Photographing gyrfalcons from a hide

One of the most difficult birds to photograph in Iceland is the Gyrfalcon. Only 1000 of them exist in Iceland and one needs a permit from the government to photograph them. This is done for protection and minimizing the disturbance during the most vulnerable...

Wild arctic fox photography in Iceland

The arctic fox has always been a mystery to me. The population of wild arctic foxes is unknown in Iceland, but we know that up to 8000 foxes are hunted each year, counting cubs and grown ups. Ancient reasons and farmers need to protect...

Arctic tern having a good time

I don´t have a GPS attatched to my Nikon D3 camera. Sometimes I find it not vise to publish the location of some of my favorite photo locations so I don´t really miss it. It is though really remarkable that it is possible to...

Bearded seal at my petrol station

Birders and wildlife photographers travel around the world for the mere chance to get the shot of some rare bird or animal which is difficult to find. More often than not the opportunities are not there when you expect or want them. Driving around...